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One of our principal activities is to support education efforts for nuclear physicians, physicists, radiopharmacists, radiochemists, technologists and other nuclear medicine scientists, especially from the developing world. In achieving its programmatic goals, the WFNMB will work with its member societies, and with international health and scientific bodies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). This will enable us to enhance nuclear medicine education and improve access to the highest quality nuclear medicine care.

The WFNMB provides Membership Services and a point of contact between the National Societies, Associations, and Working Groups. It encourages operational research to be published on the Website. The WFNMB aims at helping societies in their strategic planning as a basis to decide what they need to do to become more effective, and provide the support needed for them to take those next steps.

Primary Strategies:

  1. Coordination and cooperation among societies

  2. Communicate with and provide information to societies on a continuing basis

  3. Avoid overlap, duplication and competition with national societies and others

  4. Seek sponsorship for society delegates and leaders to attend workshops or other WFNMB meetings to see and learn how others do it


Our mission is to progress and promote Nuclear Medicine and the translation of “Molecular Medicine" throughout the many regions of the world​

The peak body for Nuclear Medicine globally are


• WFNMB engagement at meetings (major scientific conferences, regional conferences and events)

• IAEA interactions (policy, Human Health projects)

• WHO engagement (policy and projects)

• OECD programs

• Website (report)

• Strategic plans for advocacy (for discussion)

     - regular sessions at major meetings

     - promote projects within countries and               regions

     - co-badging of major projects

     - support for major programs (eg IAEA)


• clear need to provide linkage of available training material (on-line course, webinars, tutorials, CME datasets) and information on training / meeting opportunities for global Nuclear Medicine professionals

• not all countries can access IAEA website (eg China), many sources of information require access to multiple sites on a constant basis

• IAEA, SNMMI, EANM, AOFNMB have offered to make available teaching and training material from their websites for global Nuclear Medicine access

• proposed to develop WFNMB website to link to teaching and training data from existing websites, in a way that allows a single site access for NM professionals

• emphasis on needs of developing countries

• initial estimates are this project will be around $50k-$70k (AUD)

Teaching / Training

• clear need to identify minimum standards of training for Nuclear Medicine specialists (physicians, radiologists) globally

• this will assist in the establishment of training programs in Developing countries, and in Developed countries

• many countries are establishing new training programs for Nuclear Medicine specialists that incorporate molecular imaging / cross sectional imaging

• number of initiatives underway to address training standards across countries / regions (ASNM / AOFNMB, IAEA, EANM)

• proposed that Prof. Henry Bom chair a subcommittee to develop a position paper for WFNMB, working in conjunction with IAEA, and major Societies / Associations, in developing minimum standard program for training, and credentialling

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