Get to know us
Lizette Louw
Born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa, I obtained my medical degree at the University of Pretoria. Only after completing residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand, did I discover nuclear medicine. I quickly fell deeply in love with this field.
I had the opportunity to step into directorship roles within my country very early in my career and have been serving continuously on various professional bodies since 2014.
Coming from a multicultural society such as South Africa, I enjoy traveling, learning about various cultures and their history, and connecting with individuals from different cultures throughout the world. My passion lies in raising awareness of the value of nuclear medicine by educating governing bodies, other specialists and general practitioners, as well as furthering education of our own nuclear medicine community.
At present, I am a senior specialist at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), which is the largest academic nuclear medicine unit in South Africa. Through this academic platform I am able to reach out to other specialists and give regular educational talks on various topics in nuclear medicine, with the aim of increasing awareness and knowledge about the field.
As a female leader and single mother of two boys, I am acutely aware of gender-based bias and the unique and specific challenges that women face in their work environment and daily life across the globe. It is my privilege to speak out for and promote the rights of women, equal opportunities and support in the workplace.
Working with dr Jean-Luc Urbain and the rest of the WFNMB council, I aim to
1. Improve medical isotope supply and nuclear medicine services to all countries
2. Support, expand and promote nuclear medicine education
3. Ensure support to the nuclear medicine association/societies from emerging countries to establish and grow nuclear medicine services
4. Promote the field of theranostics across the globe, particularly in the underserved countries
5. Support women in nuclear medicine to reach their full potential and attain leadership positions
I was born in Limassol, Cyprus. Having studied Medicine in Berlin (West) Germany, my first steps in Nuclear Medicine were also in Berlin and I finished my Specialization in Thessaloniki, Greece. After my board certification I established the first private department of Nuclear Medicine in Cyprus. I am also Fellow of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine and I served as examiner for many years. I was one of the founders and the first President of the Cyprus Society of Nuclear Medicine. I am currently working at the Nuclear Medicine Department and I am running the Thyroid Clinic of the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Center.
My many years of experience in Nuclear Medicine positions and specifically at the EANM Secretary position, as Secretary and Treasurer of Section of Nuclear Medicine of UEMS as well as Treasurer of WFNMB are a testament to my hard work and dedication to the purposes of Nuclear Medicine. I will do my outmost to promote once again, this time from the position of President Elect and later President of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, and in conjunction with the other members of the Governing Body, the best interests of Nuclear Medicine around the globe.
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Savvas Frangos
Gopinath Gnanasegaran
I was born in India. Live in the United Kingdom as a permanent resident. I Graduated from Mysore Medical College, India. Completed my MSc in Nuclear Medicine from Kings College London, London University, and MD from University College London, London University.
I completed my Nuclear Medicine Residency at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London UK. I was appointed as Consultant in Nuclear Medicine at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London UK, in 2007.
I moved to Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust in early 2016. Currently based at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and Hon Associate Professor at the University College London, London University.
My particular interest includes radionuclide Hybrid Imaging and Theranostics. My department supports the largest radionuclide peptide therapy service (ENETS) in the UK.
I am passionate about training and teaching and have extensive experience in education and training. I was appointed as the First Education Chair of the British Nuclear Medicine Society (BNMS) and coorganized several successful Annual Meetings. Instrumental in developing 18 PET-CT-related books as a series co-editor. I was Chair of the Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Special interest group (SIG) of the British Institute of Radiology and Currently chair of the BIR Therapy and Theranostics Expert Panel. I was instrumental in developing an open-access PET-CT webinar series for the BIR, which is a huge success. I was awarded Top BIR educator in 2019 by the British Institute
of Radiology. Currently a member of the Oncology and Theragnostic Committee of the European Associate of Nuclear Medicine (EANM). I had the opportunity to interact with many of the finest physicians in the field of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Co-authored national consensus document on:
1. Oral Cancer Sentinel lymph node imaging and Surgery in oral cancers (2017)
2. EANM practice guidelines for bone scintigraphy (2016)
3. SNM bone scintigraphy guideline
If Elected as Secretary-General of the WFNMB, I will work efficiently as a team player sharing my expertise and support my colleagues to promote Nuclear Medicine globally. Support and develop excellent educational platforms and programs in collaboration with national and international nuclear medicine societies, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). I will play an active role as a Nuclear Medicine Ambassador to create equal opportunities and accessibility of Educational resources and training to the Nuclear Medicine Community worldwide.
As the new elected treasurer, I am honored to work in close relasionship with the other members of the executive committee and our colleagues of the office.
WFNMB is viewed around the world as a well respected organisation. I am dedicated to help to make more available a high quality NUCLEAR MEDICINE around the world. I sincerely believe that the WFNMB plays a major role worldwide and bring a better and closer partnership between countries to ensure the plus value of Nuclear Medicine. With the development of new detectors, new radiopharmaceuticals and the rapid deployment of
theranostics more than ever the WFNMB is need as a major interlocutor. I am currently the president of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine (CANM) and our organisation has for more than 30 years worked hand in hand with the WFNMB. I am a university associate professor of Nuclear Medicine, ( University of Montreal Canada) I trained many residents, made many publications and strongly believe that Nuclear Medicine has a tremendous future.
I have close relationships with IAEA and I strongly believe that through the IAEA the WFNMB could bring an increase in availability of Nuclear Medicine for the patients in the emerging countries.
Already through our series of WEBINARS we are already on the road to our WFNMB 2022 congress in Kyoto Japan from the 7-11 september 2022 and to the Post-Congress Symposium September 12-13 Kanazawa Art Hall Japan under Professor Seigo Kinuya the Congress Chair.
Together almost everything is possible for our organisation the WFNMB.
Francois Lamoureux